Produce You Event

It’s time to CLAIM your rightful position as a transformational leader, expert and authority, so you can build your prosperous authentic enterprise!

Activate your impact and authority at this amazing LIVE 3-day full-immersion event and turn your BIGGER GAME into your livelihood!

You don’t remember exactly when it happened. But when it finally sunk in, you KNEW you uncovered the missing piece of your fulfillment puzzle.

Discovering your desire to help others felt like the turning point in your life. It was a way to support others at a deep level, share your gift, turn your calling into your career. And finally take the knowledge and wisdom inside you out into the world.

It was set to work perfectly… until it didn’t.

The issue isn’t becoming an amazing transformational mentor. It’s that you never thought it would be such a struggle to turn your passion into a viable, sustainable enterprise, that supported you as you support others.

And suddenly, the dream dissolved before your eyes. And was replaced with doubt:

  • You feel like you don’t have anything to offer that clients will pay you for.
  • You don’t know how to talk about your gift so people get it.
  • You struggle to turn your immense wisdom into impact.
  • You want to do so much, but your racing thoughts only drive you deeper into confusion.
  • Your fears about perfection are preventing you from getting in front of the people who need you.
  • It seems like there’s so much to do to make this work. How do I get there? Where do I start?

And as stagnation and stuckness set in, you found yourself searching for something… anything… that would turn things around;

  • That would help you articulate your impact in a meaningful, effective way.
  • That would reveal simple avenues to deliver that contribution to the people who need it most.
  • And – most importantly – would allow you to be EXACTLY who you are while making a massive difference AND supporting yourself with a profitable authentic enterprise.

Well… the dream doesn’t have to die: The possibility CAN lead to prosperity!

There is a proven way forward, created just for change-makers like you, that supports you in crafting a thriving, authentic enterprise, that turns your part-time dream into your full-time livelihood.


Rick Tamlyn's Produce You The Event

A life changing 3-day LIVE, full immersion transformational experience, that finally solves your success struggle.

So you can make the impact you can’t live without, while earning a great living doing what you LOVE.

Not by using technology, tricks or complex tactics that don’t align with who you are at your core.

But a congruent path, that helps you build a thriving authentic enterprise by becoming the voice of the change you want to see in the world.

And discovering this profound truth: When you unleash your ultimate impact, your business takes care of itself.

Because I believe every person who is:

  • Ready to commit to the Bigger Game they yearn to play.
  • And willing to come out about the impact they want to create in the world.

Can build a thriving authentic enterprise that showcases, supports and elevates the difference they want to make and the impact they want to have.

I know that sounds big. It may even feel impossible. Because right now:

You’re a best-kept secret, afraid you’re going to stay that way.

You have so much to say, to share, to contribute. But you fear the amount of judgment you’ll have to deal with if you come forward with it. And you don’t know if you can deal with that and be the creative force you want to be.

You’re an unknown star.
Every new avenue and “can’t miss” idea either overwhelms you. Or lets you down. And you don’t know if you can deal with another disappointment.

You don’t know how to turn your wisdom into impact.
You know what you want to become.You just don’t know how to get there.

You’re just starting out. And it all seems like too much.
So many people saying so many different things. What’s my path? Who can I trust?

And as an unknown transformational leader (who doesn’t want to stay that way) you ask yourself:

  • How do I find my way… without losing my way?
  • Is there a path to impact without compromising my values?
  • Is there a way to make this work without stuffing who I am?
  • And having to pretend I’m something I’m not?

If this sounds like what you’ve been struggling with or fearful of, Produce You: The Event is the gathering that is designed for you!

It’s the event that never asks you to stuff who you are. That not only showcases and elevates who you are at your core. But delivers the avenue that makes it your fastest path to impact and relevance!

It’s the event that reveals how to build a sustainable growing enterprise by putting your creativity FIRST.

And it’s a way forward that not only helps you identify your BIGGER GAME. But guides you through a simple, profound production plan that makes it REAL.

You will walk away from Produce You: The Event not with just a good feeling. But with clear actionable plans, and tangible projects to produce and promote. So you can forge a life that supports you at your highest level, as you support others at their highest level.

Because Produce You: The Event is not a motivational event… it’s an activation event!

  • You’ll discover how to activate your impact, so you’re stepping into and embodying the difference you want to make in the world.
  • You’ll discover how to activate your authority, so you stop playing at anything less than you are. And speak from the depths of the knowledge you have and the contribution you are.
  • And you’ll discover how to activate the enterprise that allows you to live the way you want while you are driving massive change in the lives of those you’re here to serve.

Why not DREAM a little bit?
What would it be like if you could:

  • Become a sought after mentor, leader and expert in your field, recognized for your unique contribution and impact?
  • Attract amazing opportunities, simply by the way you show up, because of your presence, your purpose and your profound premise?
  • Experience true confidence, not by puffing yourself up, but by connecting deeply with your Bigger Game and the difference it makes?
  • Dramatically increase your income without compromising your voice or your passion
  • Design keynotes, workshops, books and events that express your most profound values and position your distinct magnetic message to a worldwide audience?

And finally:
What if you could produce something of magnitude… that is of you? That serves notice to the world you’re here to make a difference? That becomes the BIGGER GAME you yearn to play and the vehicle for your ultimate contribution?

Cheryl Kain

“Your event on Oct 1 – 3 was amazing. I learned how to move forward in my work, I met great people, you inspired me hourly, and I felt empowered, heard and left with a clearer, broader map for my creative business. Thank you! You and your work are a game changer.”

Monica Rodgers
Kingston, RI

“This was a total game changer in terms of how I perceive my life, my ability to have an impact, and my place in the world. I am not alone, and I am eternally grateful for such a rich and transformative experience.”

Dean Regan
Los Angeles, CA

“Produce You: The Event was an uplifting explosion of creative growth. Rick’s world class coaching skills and integrity are at the core. He is facilitated by the amazing Chuck Lioi and surrounded by compassionate, caring staff and participants. The 3 days energized and inspired me. I walked away with tools that enliven my creative and personal impact and entrepreneurial gifts.”

Gayl McKinley
Ottawa, ON

“I came away totally re-energized on both a personal and business level. Rick Tamlyn’s sincere desire to help people showed up everywhere, from his choice of speakers to his heartfelt connection with his audience. The “aha” moments just kept coming and I could hardly write them down fast enough. My business will be taking a positive change directly related to what I learned and my spirit feels refreshed and renewed. Thank you Rick & Chuck!”

Deborah Todd
Geneva, IL

“What an energizing and inspiring experience! The venue, speakers and content were amazing. This experience did not leave me where it found me.”

That’s exactly what Produce You: The Event is designed to create for you!

You might be thinking,
“That sounds great! But I’ve been disappointed before…”

Which is why it’s crucial to understand Produce You: The Event prompts you to take the PIVOTAL STEP most other events, trainings and workshops miss.

The one that ensures you claim your rightful position as a leader, expert and authority, so you build your prosperous authentic enterprise more easily:

You must come out!

So many of us are hiding our unique contribution that makes the biggest difference. We are revelations to our friends and a few select clients, but unknown to the world.

We are closeted thought leaders and best-kept secrets.

But you can’t be a secret and a success at the same time. So you must OUT YOURSELF. You must step out. Step forward. And become known.

This is exactly what many of us fear most. So we have become skilled at excuses and delays that keep us from playing our BIGGER GAME:

  • “Who am I to step forward and assume my place as a leader?”
  • “Won’t people think I’m full of myself?”
  • “There are so many people who already do what I do. Who will listen?”
  • “What if I fail? And embarrass myself?”

And of course… the one that triggers the most fear:
“Won’t people judge me? What if I’m ridiculed? Demeaned? Exposed?”

You can’t allow these fears and doubts to rule you… AND be the Creative Force in the world you yearn to be.

Because the antidote to doubt is not courage. The antidote to doubt is commitment.

And THIS is where Produce You: The Event supports you to make the fundamental shift that changes everything:

Because the secret that has guided the growth of my own successful prosperous enterprise is that “outing” is not the end of you.

It’s the beginning!
Outing is your liberation.
Outing is your unleashing.
Outing is your way out.

And at Produce You: The Event, you will discover an empowering, life-changing process that supports you at the deepest, most profound level to emerge as the leader, transformer and change-maker you know you are.

AND earn an amazing living while you’re at it!

We call this path: Process, Produce and Prosper.

It’s the one-of-a-kind technology you’ll be immersed in for 3 full days that makes Produce You: The Event different from any event you’ve ever been to.

Together we’re going to process your life, and then produce something from it quickly. So you can create the impact that expresses your purpose, and grows the authentic, thriving, enterprise that supports and sustains you financially.

Because every artist needs a producer – and that’s what we are!

We’re your production team for the creative artist that lives in you, that supports you in creating a sustainable, thriving enterprise.


Where your life experience is the source of your greatest wisdom.

Your life … whatever you’re going through or what you’ve been through. Is what you will offer your clients. Yes, even the struggles. ESPECIALLY the struggles!

Because when you do this:

  • Your life story becomes your message.
  • Your message generates your impact
  • And (this is crucial!) your IMPACT is the core that creates your thriving enterprise. Not the marketing tactics you use.

Because when people feel the impact you can have on their lives, they WANT to work with you.

So during our initial sessions together, we’ll connect with, process and “out” your inner life experience in a safe, empowering nurturing way. And discover not only how to move beyond it. But how to channel it to attract clients TO YOU.

When you do this, you discover something amazing:

  • Your innermost experience of yourself becomes your greatest gift.
  • And the thing you believed you most had to hide
  • Is the thing that delivers the Impact you want. The enterprise you want. And the life you want.

But we won’t let you get caught endlessly processing your past. You’re going to discover how to channel it to create success from it!

Step One:


Step Two:



We’re going to Produce You. Not from some canned formula. But from Your Life.

Processing your past releases the energy that moves your true authentic self out into the world, so you can start making a massive difference just the way you are.

That’s right! Everything does not have to be perfect before you start making a difference.

Because you don’t heal yourself first so you can go out and help. You heal yourself by playing your Bigger Game NOW.

This is where you discover how to stop hiding. To “out yourself”. So the thousands of people around the world who are searching for someone just like you… can find you.

As a gay man I can tell you from the depth of my being: Your life really begins when you come out.

And all of us have something we must be “out” about in order to truly play our Bigger Game.

Because people are drawn to your beliefs more than they are to your work.

This is the turning point that creates your Authentic Impactful Enterprise:

  • Your point of view
  • The things you feel most strongly about
  • Your story (yep, even the parts you felt you had to hide)

All those things you thought you weren’t supposed to share are actually your primary points of attraction.

Because Premise = Power

You’ll discover when you’re “out” about what really drives you, people are driven to you.

You’ll discover when you stop hiding or holding back, “stuckness” dissolves and your enterprise starts to flow, grow and flourish.

And when you learn how to produce your authentic enterprise, something else happens.

Your victim story becomes your victory story!

This is the precise place where so many impact-focused leaders and change makers stop. They know they have something to offer and they know what they need to produce. They may have even started creating it.

But they are stopped in their tracks because they don’t know how to build it into an authentic enterprise that ensures their gift becomes their livelihood.

Which is what leads us to:

Step Three: PROSPER

This is where together we create a sustainable authentic enterprise from your creativity.

You really can prosper when you stop holding back the best parts of you. And put them center stage to create maximum impact in the world. And build a viable career from your creativity.

This is what finally completes the Bigger Game Circle and makes it sustainable and real. Instead of something you dream about after work or on weekends.

Because when you grow your impact first, business success follows.

Why discover the power in your true life experience, and be out about your strongest beliefs and who you truly are, if you’re not going to take the final step and create a powerful, prosperous impact with it?

And please hear me: We’re not talking about suffocating you with tactics that don’t fit, and aren’t a match for who you are. We’re not talking about cookie-cutter marketing scripts that turn your stomach.

We’re going to show you how you can use your creativity and your commitment to create the biggest impact possible to move your Bigger Game in front of more and more people.

And as your reach and authority grows, so will the amount of money you make.

It may sound scary. But there is NOTHING more energizing and fulfilling!

Because the doorway to a bigger income is bigger impact.

Step Three:


So … how do I know this works?

  • I’ve used it to build a prosperous authentic enterprise where I get to travel the world, make the money that lets me live the way I want. And create a massive difference in the lives of those I serve through my consulting, presentations, books and content and my mentoring.
  • I’ve supported clients who were stuck, confused and at a crossroads to breakthrough to an amazingly successful enterprise. Without compromising or watering down who they are or the message they most want to share.
  • It wasn’t always this way. As a closeted gay man, I was hiding, personally and professionally.

As an actor trying to make ends meet, I took a corporate job where the compromises and the pressure were literally destroying me.

Until one day I was rushed to the hospital, scared and sweating with heart palpitations. I can clearly remember my doctor coming into the room to give me the prognosis.

“Your heart’s going to be fine”, he said. “But how about your life?”

In that instant I realized: I was making a living. But I wasn’t making a life.

Within a month, I quit my job. Shortly after, I went to my very first coaching workshop… and fell in love with it. My life began to accelerate in ways I could not have imagined. And so did my fulfillment.

What changed everything was finally coming out about who I truly was. So I moved from what I thought I HAD to do, to something I was CALLED to do.

It was then I also discovered the innermost sense of myself I was so afraid people would reject, became my greatest gift and point of attraction. It’s why my followers trusted me. It’s why they found me. It’s why they connected to me so deeply.

And it’s why they hired me.

And when I was able to be out about who I REALLY was in every area of my life, everything changed.

My deepest shame became the bridge to my most profound fulfillment when I stopped stuffing it. And started sharing it.

This is the power of Produce You: The Event:

  • To end once and for all the pain of being closeted.
  • To discover how to stop investing all your energy into hiding who you really are.
  • And instead offer it to the world – in a way that allows you and the people you serve to live at the highest level.

We all have beliefs we are not talking about. What if we were out about it? Got real about it? And channeled it to create impact through a prosperous authentic enterprise that sustains us?

Yes… this is for you!

  • The closeted leaders.
  • Closeted disruptors.
  • Closeted insurgents.
  • Closeted revolutionaries.
  • Closeted counter-cultural visionaries.

Who are no longer content to be on the back burner. To go along to get along. There’s something inside you that simply won’t settle for anything less than playing your Bigger Game full out.

Produce You Event
Produce You Event
Produce You Event
Produce You Event
Produce You Event
Produce You Event
Produce You Event
Produce You Event

Produce You: The Event is the bridge that puts your difference out into the world, in a way that supports and sustains you.

It’s for the coach who wants to:

  • Make the leap from coach to Impact Leader
  • Escape the burnout from all the “can’t miss” tactics that didn’t work.
  • Assume their rightful place as an Influencer and leader.
  • Move from just a few clients to a Thriving Authentic Enterprise.

It’s also for the established coach who wants to scale their enterprise:

  • From one-to-one to one-to-some.
  • From one-to-some to one-to-many.
  • Or from one-to-many to the masses.

It’s a creative solution that supports you to confidently contribute without compromise. While building a thriving enterprise so you can prosper while living your purpose FULL-TIME (instead of on the side).

So… what have you longed to create in the world?

  • Is it an outline for a workshop you yearn to present that delivers profound transformation?
  • Is it the structure for a keynote talk that puts you on the map as a leader, authority and visionary?
  • Is it a powerful core concept and chapter titles for the book that finally connects your expertise to a worldwide audience?
  • Is it an online presentation that elevates the reach and impact of your enterprise, or allows you to enroll amazing clients doing what you love?

Whatever it is… Produce You: The Event is your opportunity to make it REAL!

With support from experts and the amazing energy of an entire room of emerging visionaries, disrupters and revolutionaries who are finally ready to come out about the great work they yearn to put out in the world, it’s a powerful event that forges you forward.

To build a sustainable enterprise that delivers massive impact!

You’ve longed to see a massive change in the world. Why not be the voice of it?

It’s a package of pure value and possibility that delivers on every level. But I know you may still have questions:

Rick … this sounds BIG. How do I know if I’m ready?

Please listen, because I’m saying this with love: One of the biggest reasons transformational visionaries struggle, and delay living their impact is the belief you have to “be ready”.

Who you are when playing your Bigger Game is the reason people work with you. Not the polished “ready for prime-time” version of you, that you have to rehearse and perfect.

But the authentic “warts and all” version of you!

You don’t have to be “ready” to play your Bigger Game, because once you step into it, you KNOW you have been ready your entire life!

The three days of Produce You: The Event will help you to experience this truth: That all you need to be is who you are right now.

This sounds great… but I’m worried about the money and the time.

I get it – because I’ve been there myself.

And what I’ve discovered from being in both places – the struggling place and the authentic prosperous place is: Until you commit to playing your life full out, life will PLAY YOU full out.

You’re just two steps away from your own big breakthrough:

  • Making the decision to play your Bigger Game.
  • And finding the support that allows you to play it.

And Produce You: The Event is the experience that provides both of these crucial elements. So you can FINALLY experience the success that awaits you on the other side of your fear.

I’ve tried other programs that were disappointments. And I’m scared to throw myself into something else that might not work.

That fear can seem very real. And it can suffocate you. This is the exact experience Produce You: The Event has been designed to remedy.

Most events are designed around a system you’re asked to fit into. Produce You: The Event is custom-crafted to OUT your BEST SELF. It’s designed around the unique needs and make-up of transformational mentors, to you build a thriving, prosperous, authentic enterprise.

Not by forcing you to conform. But by igniting the spark inside that guides you to impact and freedom.

Not only that… we guarantee your satisfaction.

So what is that Guarantee?

We believe 100% in delivering a life-changing experience and profound value. And we stand fully behind that commitment. Attend the entire first day of Produce You: The Event, and if you are not completely satisfied, come to us by 5pm the first day of the event, return your event notebook and receive a full refund.

That’s right – a powerful no-questions asked guarantee that ensures you risk nothing. All we ask is that you attend the first full day, play full out and be open to discovery and breakthrough.

Because transformation requires engagement, there are no refunds for non-participation. To level up, you must show up.

Produce You: The Event
was created because the world can’t afford to wait for your contribution.

It needs:

  • Your passion.
  • Your commitment.
  • Your voice.
  • Your authority.

And it needs it NOW!

Produce You: The Event is an unparalleled opportunity to start playing your Bigger Game and leap into your big impact life.

Whatever it is you’ve been hiding or holding back on:

  • IT’S TIME to come out about it.
  • IT’S TIME to tell your truth.
  • IT’S TIME to stop hiding and playing small.
  • IT’S TIME to discover how life really works when you start playing your BIGGER GAME.

I know… you’ve been to trainings, workshops and events where you learn, but don’t elevate your impact. Produce You: The Event is a LIVE, full-immersion, transformational experience where you elevate from the life you’re putting up with. To the life you are destined for.

For years you’ve been playing follow-the-leader. Isn’t it time to BECOME the leader?

What I want for every Produce You: The Event attendee is to experience that profound freedom that exists on the other side of coming out.

And to know, as I know:

  • On the other side of judgment is freedom.
  • And where there is freedom there is creativity.
  • And where there is creativity there is prosperity.

“Our creativity is the deepest source of our security.”

It’s time to step out of who you thought you had to be. And to step into WHO YOU ARE. Reserve your seat now for the experience that will transform you to your core. And opens a profound path to the successful enterprise that turns your part-time dream into your full-time life.

Reserve your seat now for Produce You: The Event!

Super Early Bird Special


Special pricing ended July 31st

Early Bird


Available While Tickets Last

Just In Time


Available While Tickets Last